Nisswa-stämma 2006 photos. Make sure you scroll all the way down to the bottom of this list. There are many photos here!

allspel - Gary Anderson's landscape photo of the allspel

Meiskarit - A cool montage from 2 Don Bennett photos

Eliason - Robert & Maryann Eliason's photos

Annika - Annika Borgström's photos

Virginia - Virginia Windschitl's photos

Tom - Tom Verhoef's photos

Don - Don Bennett's photos

Gary - Gary Anderson's photos

Susanne - Susanne Gustafsson's photos

Bruce - Bruce Bostrom's photos

Ola - Ola Brostam's photos

Paul - Paul Stafford's photos

John - John Erickson's photos

Elsa - Elsa Windh's photos - great fabric shots! (a link to her site)

Doug - Doug Livingston's photos

Curt - Curt Stull's photos